Dentistry Clinics
Pediatric dental care is provided in one of three clinical settings: the pre-doctoral clinic, the post graduate resident clinic, and the faculty practice. The clinic provides services for children requiring general anesthesia and sedation on a referral basis.
Pre-doctoral students are dentists in training supervised by faculty and residents. The fees are lowest in this clinic. Post graduate residents are dentists who are seeking additional specialty training in pediatric dentistry. Faculty practice occurs during at limited times each week. It’s comprised of full-time pediatric dentistry faculty from the University of California, San Francisco.
Child patients can be seen in one of three ways at the Parnassus clinic. Appointments can be made in the pre-doctoral clinic, with graduate residents, or with faculty members depending on the complexity of the appointment. Call the appointment number given below for further information.
For patient appointments, please call:
Monday to Friday
8:30am-12pm and 1pm-4:30pm
The main entrance to the Dental Building is located at 707 Parnassus Street (at the end of Fourth Street). A rear entrance is utilized from Kirkham Avenue using the public parking behind the Dental School. Pediatric patients can check in at the first floor reception area.